Radon Testing
Most people take all the precautions they can to protect their family from harm. However, sometimes the intruders you can’t see can be the most dangerous. Radon gas is a health risk throughout the United States. It cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted, nor can radon levels be predicted based on state, local, or neighborhood levels. This radioactive gas forms when 1) uranium decays below the surface of the earth, 2) is released through rocks, soil, and water, and then 3) seeps into your home through small cracks and other openings. The only way to know for certain if it’s present in your home is to order radon testing.
The Dangers of Radon
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Surgeon General, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly recommend that ALL homebuyers have an indoor radon test performed prior to purchase or taking occupancy and recommend having the radon levels mitigated if elevated radon concentrations are found.